Monday, September 7, 2009

Why are you STILL shopping at your SUPERMARKET???

Hi again, we are back after a huge break - kid health issues, and study and assignments due by the bucketload - so, time for nothing else. However, we are back on track and keen to keep the Melaleuca message alive. I (Ruth) have had plenty of time to think about how amazing the Melaleuca journey has been for me while caring for the midgetkid, and other people need to know!

I became a Melaleuca customer primarily for health reasons. Sorted out eczema and fatigue
and psoriasis in my immediate family, and saw one extended family member come off blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds. Two came off antidepressant medication (long term users, off these for over one and a half years now) and I now sleep the whole night through, something I have struggled with all of my adult life.

I cannot put a monetary value on those things. My family's health is worth something beyond money. To see a loved one decrease their risk of dying prematurely, or to be measurably happier and more well - priceless. However, the COST of the products responsible for those health gains, is considerably less than the store-bought equivalents - so we are also saving money. Plus, because we have told others about the products, and they have tried them and liked them, we now earn a small but well received income . . . to have better health, and a likely longer life - worth millions.

However, because people are interested in money, and often scared to get involved in something new, I would like to just add a thought re the promise of income from Melaleuca: if a regular customer of Melaleuca enrols 8 customers that also become regular (monthly) customers, they are guaranteed $150 per month (minimum). If they enrol one other customer per each month, the amount jumps to $180. To earn that in interest, you would need to have approx $40 - 60,000 in the bank. That is an excellent gain, and pretty much passive income.

If you help other people to do the same, and continue to support them, you are also entitled to extra commissions - and can earn large amounts. While the income is residual, and leverage is used to achieve this, all of the big earners at melaleuca actively build their businesses - and actively support people in their own organisation to do the same. They give of their time and energy, and often without expecting or asking for payback.

The business is designed so that in order to build a business, you MUST help others do the same. Frank Vandersluit (founder) did not want it to be a business where someone sat back while other people earned for them, but instead for people to earn their own income at the level they wanted to. You can't grow rich with Melaleuca without working it yourself.

This is a huge contrast to our normal consumer habits where we buy products from supermarkets etc whose value is hugely inflated, because the manufacturers, advertisers, wholesalers, retailers and shareholders all need their cut.

We are consumers - we buy the end product and pay
plenty into the pockets of all of those other people.

When you buy shampoo, conditioner, soap or laundry products from most stores, even ECO-FRIENDLY ONES - you only get what you pay for - you are the end user, and everyone else has had their cut first. you are not going to get an income if you keep buying the same things from the same stores. However, with Melaleuca, I buy from the manufacturer, a portion of my money goes to other customers, but I have a chance to earn commission myself - something impossible in the normal business model.

I pay NOTHING for my own health and beauty and homecare products, because my commissions cover these - my stress levels are reduced because this is one less household expense to worry about, and I feel better about myself because I am acting in a more environmentally friendly manner. Again, it is hard to put a monetary value on all of these things - I simply FEEL better all round. And if my feelings change, we simply stop being Melaleuca customers, and look for something different - no strings no worries.

Come on in and join us - the water is fine, and there is so much to be gained!!!!