"if you want to predict the future, create it yourself"
Wally Lewis
Wally Lewis
Welcome to all MOTIVATED MUMS visiting this page. We hope you will join us in discussions, commenting, and of course, also jump on board with our campaign to get Queensland homes free from toxic chemicals, and enhance the health and wellbeing of your family, and learn how to enhance the health and wellbeing of your family FINANCES at the same time!
That little hand at the right hand side says it all. We are the guardians of the future, and those fragile little people need us to make the right decisions now. When you are just one person on your own its not always easy to manage as well as you would like to. We all need the support of other women . . . Together, we can make magical things happen.
Veronica and I are two ordinary Mums with fairly ordinary challenges: little kids and partners and homes to manage, money to juggle, and a desire to make a difference in the lives of others. We face a few extra difficulties as well - Vee manages a long term care situation, and me the challenge of being 48 with a toddler!!!
We know that way too many households out there are struggling to make ends meet, and that all too often, Mums like ourselves are trying to hold it all together and finding doing so difficult.
We have started this group as a means of mutual support, but also to invite other Mums to join us so that we can all benefit from the support of others in our situation. Along the way we hope to have a few laughs, learn from the success stories of others, and create a team of women that work together to create a healthy thriving community. All you need in order to join us is the desire to enhance your life, and an open mind . . . and an hour a week to meet up and make it happen.
Looking forward to seeing you at one of our meetings very soon!
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